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Four-Handled Jars (4 Items)

Four-handled celadon jars were common grave goods in Sui tombs. Mostly they came with three or four handles, glazed on the upper body, and had solid ring foot. The upper and lower parts of these four jars were made separately and joined later, resulting in the decorative raised string motifs in their midsection.
Item No.
R023527, R023528, R023529, R023531
Sui-tang Period (581-907 A.D.)
Height 20.0, diameter of mouth 6.3 cm; Height 18.1, diameter of mouth 6.65 cm; Height 21.5, diameter of mouth 6.15 cm; Height 20.6, diameter of mouth 6.3 cm
Tomb M243, Xiaotun, Anyang, Honan

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