Commander Bomaofu the Conqueror
The Xin Village Burial Site and the Institute of History and Philology
In spring of 1931, Guo Baojun, research fellow at the Institute of History and Philology (IHP), conducted a field survey at Xin village located in western Jun County, Henan Province, which helped pave the way for a series of four archaeological digs carried out by the IHP in cooperation with the local Henan Historical Site Research Association from early 1932 to late 1933. The excavations led to the discovery of a significant number of ancient bronze artifacts, including ritual vessels, weapons, and chariots, as well as a small number of ceramic implements, shells, and bones. According to Guo’s initial research findings, the Xin village burial site is the final resting place for nobility of the state of Wei buried sometime during the Western Zhou or early Eastern Zhou.
Establishing Historical Interpretations under Universal Value
Due to the turmoil of war, the artifacts unearthed at the Xin village archaeological site were moved to Nangang as researchers relocated in 1949. In the years since, two or three generations of archaeologists have concentrated their efforts on organizing and compiling these relics, but remarkably, interpretations of the discoveries have faced incessant challenges owing to shifts over time and in society. While archaeological work itself is neutral, interpretations concerning archaeological data are subject to inherent change as our understanding deepens and broader social mindsets evolve. Therefore, when attempting to interpret archaeological findings, the goal of our work also lies in how to display their “universal value.”
Commander Bomaofu the Conqueror
How can one connect the public today with the Xin village archaeological site? And can it benefit historical interpretations?
By apprehending archaeological materials and related scholarship, our work group—the Museum of the IHP, Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures, and “Traveling through Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han periods: Historical Interpretations under Universal Value”—combines elements of anime, multimedia, and Live2D techniques to reconstruct the image of “Bomaofu,” the protagonist of the exhibition who in turn displays the Western Zhou period as well as its cultural contexts to contemporary audiences. This exhibition is a sharing of digitalized resources across boundaries as well as time and space. Bomaofu has been reincarnated as a digital host capable of talking freely on the Western Zhou with scholars
In spring of 1931, Guo Baojun, research fellow at the Institute of History and Philology (IHP), conducted a field survey at Xin village located in western Jun County, Henan Province, which helped pave the way for a series of four archaeological digs carried out by the IHP in cooperation with the local Henan Historical Site Research Association from early 1932 to late 1933. The excavations led to the discovery of a significant number of ancient bronze artifacts, including ritual vessels, weapons, and chariots, as well as a small number of ceramic implements, shells, and bones. According to Guo’s initial research findings, the Xin village burial site is the final resting place for nobility of the state of Wei buried sometime during the Western Zhou or early Eastern Zhou.
Establishing Historical Interpretations under Universal Value
Due to the turmoil of war, the artifacts unearthed at the Xin village archaeological site were moved to Nangang as researchers relocated in 1949. In the years since, two or three generations of archaeologists have concentrated their efforts on organizing and compiling these relics, but remarkably, interpretations of the discoveries have faced incessant challenges owing to shifts over time and in society. While archaeological work itself is neutral, interpretations concerning archaeological data are subject to inherent change as our understanding deepens and broader social mindsets evolve. Therefore, when attempting to interpret archaeological findings, the goal of our work also lies in how to display their “universal value.”
Commander Bomaofu the Conqueror
How can one connect the public today with the Xin village archaeological site? And can it benefit historical interpretations?
By apprehending archaeological materials and related scholarship, our work group—the Museum of the IHP, Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures, and “Traveling through Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han periods: Historical Interpretations under Universal Value”—combines elements of anime, multimedia, and Live2D techniques to reconstruct the image of “Bomaofu,” the protagonist of the exhibition who in turn displays the Western Zhou period as well as its cultural contexts to contemporary audiences. This exhibition is a sharing of digitalized resources across boundaries as well as time and space. Bomaofu has been reincarnated as a digital host capable of talking freely on the Western Zhou with scholars
第一集 進擊的周人(上)
Was the civilized Western Zhou, brimming with propriety and ritual, actually a martial state?
Those of the Zhou dynasty had been plotting to replace the Shang for a hundred years or more.
The Battle of Muye was not a holy war as the histories have told, but the first battle in East Asia fought with chariots, causing innumerable casualties and bloodshed.
第二集 進擊的周人(下)
Was the civilized Western Zhou, brimming with propriety and ritual, actually a martial state?
Those of the Zhou dynasty had been plotting to replace the Shang for a hundred years or more.
The Battle of Muye was not a holy war as the histories have told, but the first battle in East Asia fought with chariots, causing innumerable casualties and bloodshed.
第三集 小邦周來作客
第五集 馬雅國駐臺大使來訪
第六集 待續
整首樂曲由蕭、太鼓、號角聲展現出戰場的氛圍與肅殺之氣,男高音長音的霸氣則展現了將軍伯懋父在沙場上奔馳的氣魄。 由歷史文物陳列館「進擊的大帥——西周大將伯懋父」展覽主題音樂,帶領大家進入所不熟悉的的用武之周。
編曲設計:靳鐵章、KenJo Tan