Qie: Cases
According to ancient documents, the majority of cases were made of woven bamboo and used for storing objects or holding documents. Wooden slip nos. 89.13B and 3.25 on display here, which include references to daweiqie (reed cases), shuqie (cases), and yi qie feng (placed in a case), are direct evidence of their use.
- Item No.
- 89.13, 3.25
- Period
- Han dynasty (206 B.C.–220 A.D.)
- Dimensions
- 長23.3、 寬2.6、 厚0.6公分;殘長15.0、寬1.4、厚0.3公分
- Excavated/Findspot
- A8 Mu-durbeljin
- Materials
- Wood