Inscribed Carapace I 4683
Inscribed Carapace I 4683
Inscribed Carapace I 4683
Inscribed Carapace I 4683
Inscribed Carapace I 4683
Inscribed Carapace I 4683
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Inscribed Carapace I 4683

The carapace records the divinations asking “is it the god  that imprecated against our state.” The carapace was reshaped into an oval with a hole at the center that might have been used to string shells into a book. This type of remodeling carapace is an exclusive find at Pit YH127 in the Ruins of Yin.

: The depiction of two snakes. It is used as a god’s name.
: The script comprises “toe” and “snake,” which means “to harm” by the indication of “the toe bitten by a snake.”

Related Script
  : The other script for “snake” of a wider and patterned body. The two “snake” characters work differently in oracle bone inscriptions.
Item No.
Late Shang Period
14.8(L)×5.6(W) cm
Pit YH127, Hsiao-t'un, Anyang County, Honan Province
Turtle Carapace

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