Horse Bridle Ornaments English Audio GuideMuseum of IHP · Horse Bridle Ornaments Item No. ZR009028 More collection items Horse Bridle Ornaments Bronze Human Mask Pottery Skin Scrapers Hu Pot with Bow-string Line Decor Yü Basin Yu Shao Ladle P’an Plate with Dragon Decor Ting Cauldron Ting Cauldrons with Single Handle Pou Lidded Stoneware Vase Ting Cauldron with Single Handle Bronze Spoon Bronze Spoon and Jade Dagger-axe Ox Scapula for Recording Important Events Jia Bian 3333+3361 Tortoise Carapace Fragments Jia Bian 0959 Bing Bian 0008 Yi Bian 3330+5281+Yi Bian buyi 4936 Tortoise Carapace for DivinationYi Bian 8806+8865+8997 Fanned Tortoise Carapace for Divination Bing Bian 0065 Reshaped Tortoise Carapace Yi Bian 4681 Reshaped Tortoise Carapace Yi Bian 4682 Reshaped Tortoise Carapace Yi Bian 5014+5267+Yi Bian buyi 4662 Tortoise Carapace Fragments Yi Bian 4817+5061+5520+5804+6087+R60751 Reshaped Tortoise Carapace Yi Bian 5271 Fragment of a squatting human figure, with vertical slot on the back Fragments of a robed and kneeling human figure Figure of a standing owl Fragment of a stone table Sherds of lei vessels Pigment container with four round compartments Fragments of carved bone beakers Shell ornaments in the shope of animal head Whistle with carved animal-mask motifs Owl Buffalo Hairpin with scorpion Inscribed Bovid Skull Chia 3939 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0086 Inscribed Animal Bone Fragment Chia 2659+2716+2763 Inscribed Plastron I 507+Ping 284 Inscribed Animal Bone Fragment Chia 2367 Inscribed Animal Bone Fragment Chia 2928 Inscribed Plastron I 4603 Inscribed Plastron I 4718 Inscribed Animal Bone Fragment Chia 2336 Antler Object Chia 3942 Inscribed Animal Bone Fragment Chia 2624 Inscribed Plastron Fragment Chia 1961 Inscribed Plastron Fragment Chia 2224 Inscribed Plastron Fragment Chia 0984 Inscribed Carapace I 4683 Inscribed Bovid Talus I 8688 Inscribed Deer Skull Chia 3940 Inscribed Deer Skull Chia 3941 Inscribed Animal Bone Chia 2422 Niu Fang-ting Lu Fang-ting (Bronze Square Cauldron with a Deer Emblem) Helmet Human Mask Yu Basin with Revolvable Dragons Jade Decorative Piece of a Crested Human Head White Pottery Jug Stone Bird Figurine Jade Dagger-axe with Bronze Tang Tri-sectioned Yu Flask with a Swing Handle Inscribed Carapace I 0163+0012+0303+0478+0397+0428 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0469 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0207 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0529 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0533 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0063 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0059 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0538 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0368 玉象 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0247 Inscribed Plastron Colored with Cinnabar I 0778 Inscribed Plastron I 5867+8202 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0069 Inscribed Plastron Colored with Cinnabar I 0867 Inscribed Bovid Scapula Chia 3333+3361 Inscribed Human Skull Chia 3739 Inscribed Plastron Fragment I 0566 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0001 Inscribed Plastron I 5241 Inscribed Plastron I 5167 Inscribed Animal Bone Fragment I 8672 Animal-Mask Bridle Ornament with Turquoise Inlays Oracle Bone Set Ping 0028 and 0030 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0342 Inscribed Plastron Ping 0264 骨觚形器 商代貴婦的飾品──玉頭冠飾 商代貴婦的飾品──玉雙梟鐲形飾 商代貴婦的飾品──玉人首形笄 Marble Sculpture of a Kneeling Anthropomorphic Figure with a Tiger Head Marble Sculpture of a Standing Owl Pole ornaments with two owl heads on opposing sides Sculpture in the shape of two crouching tigers Tiger、Buffalo、Dragon Bone object with carved lizard motifs Whistle with carved animal-mask motif