Palace Examination Paper by Yin Peishen, the 136th-Ranked in the 3rd Category
殿試考策題,不另外謄錄答卷。對策有固定形式。 試卷用白宣紙裱四層,乾、嘉後加至七層,有紅線直界。格式第一開前半頁寫履歷、父祖三代,卷內策文字體黑、大、光、圓者佳,交卷時加彌封官關防,卷背蓋印卷官大木記戳。
- Item No.
- 171833
- Period
- 1802
- Notes
- For the palace examinations, a second transcribed copy of the exam paper was not needed, and the questions on policy followed a strict format. Exam papers comprised four layers of fine xuan paper, and from the period of the Qianlong and Jiaqing emperors onwards, the number was increased to seven, with vermillion column lines. The background of the candidate, including three generations of their patrilineal line, was written on the opening fold of the paper, and the calligraphy style, written in black ink, was expected to be large, bright, and rounded. When being handed in, it was stamped with the sealer’s official seal as well as the printer’s wooden seal on the back.