穀物分配記錄 (建平五年十二月官吏卒廩名籍)
穀物分配記錄 (建平五年十二月官吏卒廩名籍)
穀物分配記錄 (建平五年十二月官吏卒廩名籍)
穀物分配記錄 (建平五年十二月官吏卒廩名籍)
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Grain Distribution Records: Granary Register of 2 B.C.

This granary register is a record of the salt and grain provided to both officials and soldiers, presumably to be 23 slips in total. Michael Loewe collated the slips of the granary registers of different months from the fifth year of the Jianping era (2 B.C.), Xie Guihua has restored the register of the twelfth month, and recently an IHP scholar rejoined slip no. 78.24+137.22 into the volume. According to the formatting, hand writing, and statistics numbers recorded in line with perfect correlation, the restoration of granary register is with a high degree of credibility.

Nos. 203.6, 133.7, 203.10, 292.1, 254.24, 203.14, 286.12, 286.9, 78.24+137.22, 27.10, 55.8+78.1, 176.18+176.45, 254.25, 203.25
2 B.C.
A8 Mu-durbeljin

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