隋唐器物 歷史語言研究所於一九二八至一九三七年間,在河南安陽殷墟進行了十五次考古工作,發掘隋唐墓172座。這些墓葬分布排列有序、數量眾多且年代集中,出土遺物達兩千多件,有陶器、瓷器、陶俑、鐵器、銅錢、墓誌,是研究隋唐墓葬很好的材料。安陽小屯隋唐墓地的墓葬規模雖小,但出土陶瓷器數量非常多,與其他地區的隋墓明顯不同,可能與鄰近安陽相州窯有關。除了數量多,品項也很多元,包含罐、杯、碗、盤、甕、盤口壺、小瓶、香爐、硯、燭臺、屋宇模型、鎮墓俑等。 Gate Guardian Figurines (2 Items) Two-Handled Celadon Jar with Lotus Petal Decor Two-Handled Pottery Jars (2 Items) Four-Handled Jars (4 Items) Pottery Jars (4 Items) Bowl Bowls (8 Items) Plate with Three Encircling Feet Jiao Dou Wine Warming Vessel Stem Cup with Plate Stand Tall Neck Hu Vessel, Tall Neck Hu Vessel with Handle Stem Cup Tiao Ji Armrest Multi-footed Ink Stones (2 Items) Reversed T-shaped Object Box Incense Censer in the Shape of Ding Cauldron Silo-shaped Object Candelabrum Long-necked Vase, Hu Vessel with Dish-shaped Mouth Alms Bowls (2 Items), Long-necked Vase Alms Bowl, Long-necked Vase Pottery Jar with Scarlet Inscriptions, Straight-belly Jar