Compiled Summary of Figures in the Four Books
Compiled Summary of Figures in the Four Books
Compiled Summary of Figures in the Four Books
Compiled Summary of Figures in the Four Books
Compiled Summary of Figures in the Four Books
Compiled Summary of Figures in the Four Books
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Compiled Summary of Figures in the Four Books

During the Qing, a significant number of books were dedicated to verifying the historical figures of the Four Books. Remarkably, the preface of this work censures the education methods of the time: “The aim is quickly developing children, teaching them exclusively in essays, while the deeds of the figures in the Four Books are [neglected].” Compiler Jiang Kejiu criticized how education centered around the eight-legged essays and thus used this work to delve into the figures of the Four Books. In addition to a detailed chronicle of Confucious, Compiled Summary of Figures in the Four Books details those appearing in the Great Learning, the Doctrine of the Mean, the Analects, and Mencius one by one.
Item No.
097.7 279
Compiled by Jiang Kejiu
New edition produced in 1689

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